/ Founder of Outsider Gallery
London's first and innovative art gallery, exhibiting original works from NHS trusts in Forensic, CAMHS, secure units, care settings and the excluded.
We deliver an expressive arts and wellbeing programme both within a clinical and community settings.
Through art, music and film, those who have experienced significant emotional distress and mental health difficulties have the opportunity to participate, present and perform their creativity for themselves, for their peers and for a wider public through the engagement with the Outsider Gallery and its arts and wellbeing programmes.
Changing perceptions - A shift in gaze
"The program provides the environment for change in perception, a shift in gaze, experienced by both participants as well as professionals, carers and public involved and engaging with this project. Artists and performers are celebrated according to their talents (their work) and abilities rather than defined by their clinical diagnoses." - Dr N. Barnes
Artworks by young people referred from NHS CAMHS + adult services NHS MHT part of Outsiders collection